Tim Walz
Governor of Minnesota, allowed riots, city and police station burned to ground…his reaction to the BLM riots: "A society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVIPxiovN3k
Walz Has Faced Criticism for His Response to George Floyd Protests https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/06/us/tim-walz-george-floyd-criticism.html
Gov. Tim Walz laments 'abject failure' of riot response https://www.startribune.com/gov-tim-walz-laments-abject-failure-of-riot-response/570864092
165 arson attacks may 27-May 30 businesses cars police stations etc.
Wife Gwen: kept windows of governor’s mansion open during riots to savor the smell of burning tires (nothing of hers and she had body guards) “I could smell the burning tires and I kept the windows open as long as I could” https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3fND1QDu-Tg (and also said “criminals should have as many chances as they need https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrtoWQsn3Fc
Police station set on fire, Walz on record saying “let it go”
Tim Walz Was a COVID-19 Tyrant https://reason.com/2024/08/06/tim-walz-was-a-covid-19-tyrant/
And though Walz instructed police to merely issue citations to people caught violating stay-at-home orders—which is still bad enough—he also maintained the right, via executive order, to issue $1,000 fines and send violators to jail for 90 days. https://minnesotareformer.com/briefs/gazelka-criticizes-state-hotline-asking-minnesotans-to-report-violations-of-stay-home-order/
The Minnesota governor in 2020 even set up a hotline through which law enforcement received more than 10,000 emails from residents snitching on neighbors ignoring lockdown measures during that first year of the pandemic https://alphanews.org/one-minnesota-thousands-reported-on-neighbors-using-tattle-tale-hotline-during-pandemic/ yet in first rally speech he cited the “golden rule of mind tour own business”!!! And also repeated couch hoax/LIE
“In 2020, Governor Walz unilaterally closed places of worship, schools, and businesses for several months, infringing on the rights and freedoms of Minnesotans under the guise of emergency powers,” a spokesperson for the Upper Midwest Law Center told The Post in a statement. “His heavy-handed approach during COVID-19 demonstrated a troubling disregard for constitutional freedoms and the rule of law.”
There were also hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on various COVID relief efforts — some of which fraudsters abused. The US Department of Labor found that Minnesota overpaid roughly $434 million in unemployment insurance to state applicants from July 2020 to June 2023. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/unemployment-insurance-payment-accuracy/2023/MN
Implemented unethical, illegal policy to ration COVID treatments based on RACE that gave preference to “non-white” patients for treatments https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/ep/surge/crisis/implement.pdf and the walk back https://www.americanexperiment.org/mn-dept-of-health-walks-back-clearly-unethical-illegal-policy-to-ration-covid-treatment-based-on-race/
As governor during the pandemic, Walz allowed the transfer of Covid-infected patients back into long-term care centers, even centers with known infection-control problems, despite the risks to the most vulnerable patients. Walz’s administration also gave nearly $100,000 of Covid relief money to a non-profit specializing in “abortion doulas,” and it temporarily suspended all elective medical procedures (to conserve resources and reduce transmission of the virus)—but made a conspicuous exception for elective abortion. https://www.startribune.com/minn-nursing-homes-already-site-of-81-of-covid-19-deaths-still-taking-in-infected-patients/570601282?refresh=true
Walz: 'This was not a mistake' to discharge COVID-19 patients into homes Controversial policy has been questioned as Minnesota care settings play host to the vast majority of deaths in the state https://www.parkrapidsenterprise.com/newsmd/walz-this-was-not-a-mistake-to-discharge-covid-19-patients-into-homes
Tim Walz' Progressive Record Is So Extreme Nancy Pelosi Asked Him to ‘Tone It Down’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tim-walz-progressive-record-is-so-extreme-nancy-pelosi-asked-him-to-tone-it-down/ar-AA1ooZ0g
1st term: https://twitter.com/MikeMurphyForMN/status/1820640282171306297
Focus on IDENTITY POLITICS vs merit, hard work, experience, skillset, etc.: Shortly after assuming office in January 2019, Walz signed his first executive order, creating the One Minnesota Council on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/#/detail/appId/1/id/365086 “Disparities in Minnesota, including those based on race, geography, and economic status, keep our entire state from reaching its full potential,” Walz said at the time. He said the council would “establish goals and work collaboratively to address diversity, inclusion, and equity in state government practices, including recruiting, retaining and promoting state employees, state government contracting, and civic engagement.”
A presentation from its December meeting identifies “anti-racism” as a key component of this effort, so much so that Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan helped develop an “anti-racism tool,” according to the meeting minutes. https://mn.gov/governor/about-gov/councils/
Walz also appointed a “Chief Inclusion Officer” who is “expected to guide state agencies in hiring, promotion and seeking out a more diverse array of contractors.” The governor renewed the council in 2023, saying that “equity and inclusion remain top priorities of our administration.” https://www.lrl.mn.gov/agencies/detail?AgencyID=2349
2019: state funded health care for illegal immigrants https://www.house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/ncitzhhs.pdf eligible for 7 years after entering the US (put a strain on STATE resources and encouraged illegal immigrationextrapolate to entire country)
2022: “There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.” https://reason.com/volokh/2024/08/08/vp-candidate-tim-walz-on-theres-no-guarantee-to-free-speech-on-misinformation-or-hate-speech-and-especially-around-our-democracy/ WHO DEFINES MISINFORMATION????
2022: signed into law hero pay for frontline workers during pandemic, estimates were way off, recipients ended up ineligible or dead (need source)
2022: allowed a Minneapolis nonprofit to pocket federal funds - $250 million - a quarter of a billion dollars - paid to the Minnesota Department of Education, ostensibly for feeding low income kids during pandemic U.S. Attorney Announces Federal Charges Against 47 Defendants in $250 Million Feeding Our Future Fraud Scheme https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-attorney-announces-federal-charges-against-47-defendants-250-million-feeding-our-future and https://www.mncourts.gov/About-The-Courts/NewsAndAnnouncements/ItemDetail.aspx?id=2153
Audit revealed that he and department of ed failed to audit Feeding Our Future, instead used the taxpayer money for their luxury lifestyle — including buying lavish cars houses jewelry and coastal property and “failed to act on warning signs known to the department, was ill-prepared” https://www.auditor.leg.state.mn.us/sreview/pdf/2024-mdefof.pdf
Walz tried to deny involvement but Judge rebukes Walz for 'false' statements in Feeding Our Future fraud case https://www.fox9.com/news/judge-rebukes-walz-for-false-statements-in-feeding-our-future-fraud-case
Then…A Minnesota jury has convicted four men and one woman for their participation in a sprawling scheme to steal more than $40 million in funds earmarked for hungry children during the pandemic.https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/5-convicted-in-250m-fraud-cause-after-juror-had-120k-bribe-delivered-to-her-door-in-a-sack/
March 2023: signed a bill giving drivers license to illegal immigrants https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/Pages/drivers-license-for-all.aspx
April 2023: Trans Refuge Bill, grants legal protection to children who travel to Minnesota for so-called gender affirming care, including puberty blockers, reconstructive genital surgery, and hormone therapy, as well as the medical practitioners who provide it“ prohibits the enforcement of a court order for the removal of a child or enforcement of another state’s law being applied in a pending children protection action in Minnesota when the law of another state allows the child to be removed from parents or guardians for receiving medically necessary health care or mental health care that respects the gender identity of the patient.” https://www.house.mn.gov/members/profile/news/15575/36792 (and called conservatives bullies for banning gender surgeries for minors)
May 2023: Walz signs bill requiring schools to stock period products in boys’ bathrooms ““the products must be available to all menstruating students” in grades four through 12. Each school district must develop a plan to stock pads and tampons in bathrooms “regularly used” by female and male students.”
Wants to be “carbon free electrical grid by 2040” (look how that worked out for Texas when they relied on wind/solar) https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/02/02/minnesota-is-poised-to-require-carbonfree-electricity-what-does-that-mean
May 2023: The Omnibus bill, SF 2995, strips out Minnesota’s existing requirement that reasonable measures be taken to “preserve the life and health” of born-alive infants, replacing it with a requirement for “care,” which the bill’s House author, Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL-Rochester), has described as mere “comfort” care. Under the new language, an infant could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die. https://www.senate.mn/omnibus and https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/2023/0/70/laws.4.56.0#laws.4.56.0 and https://www.house.mn.gov/hjvid/93/896884
repeals the Positive Alternatives Act that has provided practical assistance and support for pregnant women/new mothers (like pregnancy crisis centers)
repeals the prohibition of coercion of abortion or sterilization
repeals prohibition of public funds for family planning services for elementary or secondary school buildings
eliminates requirements of patient consent before abortion, which previously mandated that patients be informed of medical risks of abortion, age of unborn child, and rights to state assistance & paternal child support
repeals parts of Minnesota’s abortion reporting law, including the requirement that abortion practitioners report cases in which infants survive abortion and whether those infants receive care; five such cases were reported in 2021 alone
increases reimbursement rates for tax-funded abortions
May 2023: Protect Reproductive Options Act, which codified the “fundamental right to obtain an abortion” and prohibited any restrictions on abortion, including gestational age limits (permits abortion up until birth) https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF1&type=bill&version=0&session_year=2023&session_number=0 "Every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's own reproductive health, including the fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care." defining "reproductive health care" as "health care offered, arranged, or furnished for the purpose of preventing pregnancy, terminating a pregnancy, managing pregnancy loss, or improving maternal health and birth outcomes." and "A local unit of government may not regulate an individual's ability to freely exercise the fundamental rights set forth in this section in a manner that is more restrictive than that set forth in this section."
Under Gov. Tim Walz, Babies Born Alive in Botched Abortions Were Left to Die. Then He Removed Reporting Requirements https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/08/06/under-gov-tim-walz-babies-born-alive-in-botched-abortions-were-left-to-die-then-he-removed-reporting-requirements/
In recent years, five born-alive abortion survivors were reported in 2015, five in 2016, three in 2017, three in 2018, three in 2019, and five in 2021, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. This information, however, will no longer be available; Walz repealed the requirement that practitioners of abortion report cases of born-alive infants and the measures taken to care for them. https://www.mccl.org/post/walz-s-record-on-life-elderly-newborns-and-others-pay-the-price-for-absolutism-and-neglect
When Walz served in Congress, he repeatedly voted in favor of taxpayer funding of abortion and repeatedly voted against protecting unborn children later in pregnancy when they can feel pain. He co-sponsored legislation that would invalidate nearly all state and federal limits on abortion. And he voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would ensure that newborn babies who survive abortion be treated with the same degree of care as other babies born at the same age (so that they are not neglected, abandoned, or killed). Walz also made clear his strong opposition to protecting abortion survivors on Twitter (now X).
2023: spending spending spending….“passed a $17.5 billion budget https://www.minnpost.com/state-government/2023/05/transformational-and-also-bonkers-minnesota-legislature-ends-its-session-of-historic-spending-policy-changes/ TAXES AND SPENDING, SPENDING AND TAXES
Tim Walz’s record governing Minnesota showcases a wish list of progressive priorities https://fortune.com/2024/08/06/tim-walz-record-minnesota-governor-progressive-lunch/
Universal free school meals, abortion, paid family and medical leave, transgender rights protections, drivers licenses for undocumented residents, and a $1 billion on “affordable housing” https://www.minnpost.com/state-government/2023/05/minnesota-legislative-big-big-deal-spends-1b-on-affordable-housing-adds-metro-sales-tax/
Tuition free public college education for undocumented immigrants https://www.ohe.state.mn.us/mPg.cfm?pageID=2056
Tim Walz, J. D. Vance, and the Madness of ‘Vibe’ Elections https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/tim-walz-jd-vance-and-the-madness-of-vibe-elections/ The good “vibes” on Walz require averting your eyes from his record as governor, one embarrassing and egregious large-scale scandal of waste, fraud, and mismanagement after another. Perceiving a moderate “vibe” requires not looking at Walz’s actual positions, which includes his own self-described “abject failure” on responding to the George Floyd riots, his support of making Minnesota a “sanctuary state” that doesn’t cooperate with federal immigration authorities, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, and a hotline number established during the Covid pandemic so Minnesotans could report their neighbors violating social-distancing guidelines. Progressive columnists are gushing that Walz’s governance has been “as liberal as possible” in his state.
2024: “one persons socialism is another person’s neighborliness” https://ijr.com/video-resurfaces-of-walz-declaring-one-persons-socialism-is-another-persons-neighborliness/
Walz, according to Wall Street journal: https://www.wsj.com/opinion/tim-walz-kamala-harris-vice-president-2024-election-donald-trump-minnesota-josh-shapiro-02c3b85b?
increased taxes, though Minnesota already has the 5th highest top income tax in US
levies death tax up to 16% on top of federal 40% rate
attempted to make 81,000 illegal immigrants eligible for drivers licenses and free health insurance
funded north star promise program, free college for students from families with income under $80k, including illegal immigrants
created .88% payroll tax, which pays for 20 weeks a year for family and medical leave (I actually like this, I think!)
mandating 80% carbon free electricity by 2030….100% by 2040
passed no limits on abortions and no age consideration for minors, so no permission from parents
declared Minnesota trans refuge state
1995: pulled over for speeding, 96 in 55 zone while teacher in Nebraska, police report said “strong odor of alcohol” https://alphanews.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/WalzOfficerReport-3.pdf failed field sobriety test and breathalizer, led to arrest and guilty plea in 1996, then during 06 congressional campaign, said he was NOT drunk and just couldn’t hear because of deafness https://web.archive.org/web/20211218123111/https:/www.postbulletin.com/news/deafness-a-factor-in-1995-walz-arrest despite blowing .128% blood alcohol https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/06/us/politics/tim-walz-dui.html
Tim Walz left National Guard battalion ‘hanging,’ ‘slithered out the door’ before Iraq deployment: vets https://nypost.com/2024/08/06/us-news/tim-walz-embellished-military-career-for-years-dropped-from-national-guard-unit-ahead-of-iraq-deployment/ “retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr said Walz retired from his 24-year tenure in the National Guard after learning that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq, despite allegedly assuring his fellow troops he would join them… “On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and Herr wrote.”
Tim Walz a ‘coward’ and ‘traitor’ for retiring from military before Iraq, says Guardsman who replaced VP pick https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/tim-walz-a-coward-and-traitor-for-retiring-from-military-before-iraq-says-guardsman-who-replaced-vp-pick/ar-AA1olN39
Tim Walz 'embellished facts of military career for years' and abruptly 'quit' National Guard before Iraq war https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/tim-walz-embellished-facts-of-military-career-for-years-and-abruptly-quit-national-guard-before-iraq-war/ar-AA1oleD7
“Weapons of war I carried in war” (never went to war) and has strongly implied combat in Afghanistan and/or failed to correct interviews when false statements were made about his service/rank
Weird connections to CCP “If Walz has his way, our China policy will be the weakest in generations. This should and will scare our Asian allies.” Has been to China more than 30 times https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1820953982505795877.html#google_vignette
1989-1990: Walz taught a CCP-approved course in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Despite the political turmoil, he later argued that U.S. classrooms should avoid depicting China as a “scary” threat and instead focus on its complexity.1992-2003: Over more than a decade, Walz made nearly annual trips to China. He established a summer program for Minnesota high school students, with funding from the CCP. What did he get in return?
1994: Walz and his wife chose China for their honeymoon
2007: Walz downplayed U.S. concerns about China, labeling them as "hyperbole." He compared the U.S.-China relationship to "a drug user and pusher," implying that the situation was more nuanced than it appeared.
2019: Walz advocated for deeper economic engagement with Beijing despite ongoing human rights abuses. China has an ongoing genocide in Xinjiang, as declared by both Trump and Biden.
In February 2020, Secretary @mikepompeo warned U.S. governors of this very issue: China's strategic influence on U.S. officials. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/08/mike-pompeo-governors-china-112539
Why is he so adamant on open borders? “If they build a wall, I will get a ladder.” See Immigration
Harris campaign tweaks Walz biography amid scrutiny of military credentials https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/08/harris-walz-military-credentials-00173236
Minnesota National Guard confirms VP nominee Tim Walz demoted, calling into question official bio https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/past-criticisms-vp-nominee-tim-walzs-retirement-military-resurface
People leaving Minnesota (he became Governor in 2018)
Jan 2024: downplayed Biden’s mental decline as “ageism”
Walz Praised Chinese Communism as a System Where 'Everyone Shares' As social studies teacher, Walz tells students everyone in China gets free rice https://freebeacon.com/elections/walz-praised-chinese-communism-as-a-system-where-everyone-shares/
Majority of Minnesota students still not meeting reading and math standards https://www.americanexperiment.org/majority-of-minnesota-students-still-not-meeting-reading-and-math-standards