Opening Thoughts on Illegal Immigration
At least 10 million illegal immigrants have entered our country in the past 3 1/2 years. Of course, of COURSE, they are not all criminals. But of course, of course, some of them are (“roughly 15,000 individuals convicted of or charged with murder, more than 20,000 of sexual assault, and more than 105,000 of assault”)
Where do these 10 million people go? They are in our big cities, but they are also in our small towns.
Leave your doors unlocked & let anybody in without finding out who they are….and pay for their housing & food & healthcare & give them prepaid debit cards.
It’s incredibly, incredibly expensive. If the head of your household allowed foreign exchange students to stay with you, and paid for their clothes, food, cell phone, therapy, and medical bills…while your own family was struggling to pay bills (and also in an incredible amount of debt)…how would you feel?
Consider the unfairness of those who are trying to come here legally, who fill out applications, go through background checks, wait years and years and years…and pay their own way.
To me, this is the worst part: at least 300,000 migrant children are presumed to be missing in the United States and migrant children are often released to unvetted sponsors: “Caseworkers within ORR claim that HHS regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation, such as single sponsors sponsoring multiple UAC, “hot spots” in the country where many UAC sponsors are not the children’s parents, UAC with significant debts, and direct reports of trafficking.”
By the Numbers
Raw numbers:
2016: 415,816
2017: 526,901
2018: 683,178
2019: 1,148,024
2020: 646,822
2021: 1,956,519
2022: 2,766,582
2023: 3,201,144
2024: 2,756,646 so far (August)
Since January 2021, there have been over 10.3 million total inadmissible alien encounters recorded by the U.S. Border Patrol, and over 85% of these illegal aliens have been released into the United States.
Biden Has Let In Almost As Many Foreigners Illegally As Ellis Island Did Lawfully In 60 Years
Policy Matters: Yes, it was specifically and purposely Biden/Harris that did the above:
Biden’s 64 actions that undermines border security here are just a few:
Jan 20, 2021: President Biden terminated the National Emergency at the Southwest border (Proclamation 9844), thereby halting emergency construction of a border wall.
Jan 20, 2021: President Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) further entrenching the unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. With his action, President Biden directed the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, “to preserve and fortify DACA”, signaling to illegal aliens that his Administration supports amnesty and that illegal aliens need not fear coming to the U.S. or worry about immigration enforcement.
Jan 20, 2021: President Biden unveiled the U.S. Citizenship Act, which would provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the U.S., demonstrating intent to reward illegal border crossers with a path to citizenship
Jan 20, 2021: President Biden revoked Trump-era Executive Order that was designed to ensure there was meaningful enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
Jan 20, 2021: The Administration issued an Executive action ending limitations and restrictions against immigration from certain countries associated with terrorism.
Jan 20, 2021: The Biden Administration announced a 100-day moratorium on deportations and immigration enforcement, effectively providing amnesty to criminal and other removable aliens and sending the signal the Biden Administration would not enforce the law. The Administration also announced interim immigration enforcement guidelines that signaled to illegal aliens that they do not have to worry about the possibility of deportation.
Feb 1, 2021: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented Acting Secretary Pekoske’s policy requiring a new “process [that] shall provide for assessments of alternatives to removal including, but not limited to, staying or reopening cases, alternative forms of detention, custodial detention, whether to grant temporary deferred action, or other appropriate action.”
Feb 2, 2021: President Biden issued Executive Order (EO) 14010 and began processing asylum claims at the border. In the EO, the President also signaled an end to the Migrant Protection Protocols (which is known as “Remain in Mexico” or “MPP”) while making other statements signaling an open border.
Feb 6, 2021: Secretary of State Antony Blinken suspended, and began termination procedures, for the Trump Administration’s Asylum Cooperative Agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. These agreements ensured aliens seeking asylum could do so in countries closer to their home country and in countries other than the United States.
Feb 2021: The Biden Administration voluntarily stopped applying Title 42 expulsions to children across the board, setting off a major wave of unaccompanied alien children, family units, and illegal aliens generally heading to the U.S. border.
Feb 17, 2021: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exempted unaccompanied alien children (UAC) from Title 42 expulsion requirements, thereby encouraging UACs to come to the U.S. and parents to pay cartels to smuggle their children to the U.S. border.
Mar 2, 2021: According to news reports, the Biden Administration lost track of 20,000 unaccompanied alien children and President Biden was briefed on the need to expand detention to hold an additional 20,000 children who had illegally crossed the border.
Mar 10, 2021: Biden Administration announced reinstatement of the Central American Minors (CAM) program, an Obama-era parole program that allowed citizens and aliens—including illegal aliens—to bypass the family-based immigration laws adopted by Congress and sponsor family members El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to come to the United States.
Mar 16, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas delivered remarks effectively explaining the border is open for illegal immigration by stating DHS’s focus would be on “processing” illegal aliens—in other words catch-and-release and the creation of new “lawful pathways.”
Mar 20, 2021: DHS began issuing illegal alien border crossers a Notice to Report (NTR) to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as opposed to the standard Notice to Appear (NTA) in U.S. immigration court. The NTR policy allows illegal aliens to simply be released into the U.S. and relies on them to self-report to ICE at a later date.
Oct ‘21: Biden Moves to End 'Remain in Mexico' Policy Despite Raging Border Crisis
June 2024: There has not been a single month of Biden’s term where illegal entries were below even the worst month under Trump
June ‘24: Biden signs exec order granting legal status and a path to U.S. residency and citizenship to over 500,000 illegal aliens who have married American citizens and have lived in the country for at least ten years. Plus 50,000 kids (he does not have the power to do that) …incentivizing more illegal immigration and jeopardizes American security AND contradicts the Immigration and Naturalization Act
June ‘24: Biden’s Outrageous Use of a ‘Parole’ Loophole to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens
May ‘24: Biden Admin Makes Rule Change to Give Taxpayer-Funded Health Insurance to 100,000 Illegal Immigrants
Aug ‘24: Harris Can’t Escape the Human Toll of Her Dismal Border Record “More than 10 million inadmissible aliens, along with at least 2 million more known “gotaways,” have entered since she and Biden took office.”
The Children
August 2024: ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Custody
nearly 300,000 migrant children are presumed to be missing in the US.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as of May 2024 failed to provide court dates to 291,000 unaccompanied children that had been released to domestic sponsors, according to the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.
Another 32,000 were released by ICE with notices to appear for immigration removal proceedings — but never showed up for their court dates
Just one of the eight ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations offices audited had even “attempted to locate” the missing immigrant kids — and the rate of serving them with notices to appear in immigration court at one location stood at only 16%.
A total of 448,820 unaccompanied children were shuttled from ICE to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and then to sponsors nationwide between fiscal years 2019 and 2023.
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, amid a surge of illegal entries in 2022, pushed his staff to release the children to sponsors so quickly that he wanted the turnover to resemble an “assembly line,” according to the New York Times.
June ‘24: Biden official reveals unaccompanied migrant juveniles aren’t getting proper background checks in bombshell admission “Robin Dunn Marcos, a senior HHS official overseeing the program for solo child migrants, told the House Judiciary Committee that even though agency officials contact the consulate or embassy of whichever country unaccompanied alien children (UACs) hail from, they do not request any criminal records, according to a copy of her June 8, 2023, testimony.”
Jan ‘24: 85,000 missing children - 1/3 of kids released to often unvetted “sponsors” and “The government is unable to account for their whereabouts or welfare.” “when we question documents we are told do not do that again and that once these children leave here they are no longer your responsibility (senate hearing July)
The ORR director couldn’t answer questions about reports that show HHS has lost contact with more than 85,000 migrant children in the past two years.
Two-thirds of all UAC that leave HHS’s care work illegal, full time jobs, often in factories and in hazardous conditions.
Caseworkers within ORR claim that HHS regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation, such as single sponsors sponsoring multiple UAC, “hot spots” in the country where many UAC sponsors are not the children’s parents, UAC with significant debts, and direct reports of trafficking.
“We’ve heard stories – I’ve been to the border seven or eight times – and heard the stories directly from people who are federal agents and others who’ve said it is very routine that a person was put with an older person, and then they found out that that was not even their family,” Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said during the hearing.
The Cost
FEMA Tapped Out for Hurricane Recovery as GOP Points to $1B Spent on Migrants “there is not enough money available for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to meet the needs of the communities affected by Hurricane Helene, which has killed more than 160 people”
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will provide $640.9 million of available funds to enable non-federal entities to off-set allowable costs incurred for services associated with noncitizen migrant arrivals in their communities.
The funding shortfall has come under scrutiny at a time when at least $640 million in FEMA funding is being spent on assisting communities across the country dealing with an influx of migrants. It's the latest wave of funding, after over $259 million was allocated in April as part of the Department of Homeland Security's Shelter and Services Program (SSP). In 2023, over $780 million was distributed,
CONSIDER 2020: $11 Billion And Counting: Trump's Border Wall Would Be The World's Most Costly …
Nov ‘23: Homeland Majority’s Fourth Interim Report on the Financial Cost of Secretary Mayorkas’ Border Crisis:
March 2023: The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers united-states-taxpayers-2023
At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.
Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.
Evidence shows that tax payments by illegal aliens cover only around a sixth of the costs they create at all levels in this country.
A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.
Homeland Security Committee reports: net cost is greater than annual GDP of 15 states
Jan ‘24: NYC Schools closed, moved to zoom due to “asylum seekers” (which they did not have to prove they were)
April ‘24: NYC soccer games cancelled due to migrants refusing to leave the field
Dec ‘23: Hospitals overwhelmed with uninsured due to immigration
May ‘24: NYC hotel prices, skyrocketing due to migrants living in (taxpayer) hotel rooms
Chicago's progressive Dem Mayor Brandon Johnson unveils plans to spend another $70M of taxpayer cash on 38,000 migrants who've arrived in city, on top of $150M already set aside for 2024
April ‘24: Boston hotel paid $7 million tax payer money for male for migrants, $21 a meal for spaghetti and hot dogs while the hotel will collect $24 million a year from the state
May ‘24: Illegal immigrant demanding (Denver) “fresh and culturally appropriate food, free immigration lawyers, unlimited shower time…”!!!!! (Like protesters demanding food while on hunger strike)
May ‘24: 1 in 5 hotels is a shelter, shortage of lodging, driving prices up
Nov 2023: Mayorkas’ open-borders policies have caused every state in this country to “face substantial irreparable harms…which allow potentially hundreds of thousands of additional aliens to enter each of their already overwhelmed territories.” 266 Biden and Mayorkas’ policies have forced unforeseen and unnecessary costs on state and local governments across the country, putting cash-strapped jurisdictions already struggling with limited resources in an even tighter bind.
The Corruption
Nonprofits Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis - Federal funding has turned the business of resettling migrant children into a goldmine for a handful of NGOs—and their top executives. CEOs all make more than half a million to a million, and what do they do? Tax payer funds for things therapy for illegal immigrants
“We’re going to find that the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money will rival what we saw with the Covid federal money.”
The Free Press examined three of the most prominent NGOs that have benefited: Global Refuge, Southwest Key Programs, and Endeavors, Inc. These organizations have seen their combined revenue grow from $597 million in 2019 to an astonishing $2 billion by 2022, the last year for which federal disclosure documents are available. And the CEOs of all three nonprofits reap more than $500,000 each in annual compensation, with one of them—the chief executive of Southwest Key—making more than $1 million.
The cartels are reaping unprecedented profits from human and drug smuggling and trafficking, to the tune of $30 million a day, or nearly $1 billion a month, according to a House Budget Committee report
Biden-Harris Slush Fund: DHS Showers Millions on Sanctuary Cities, NGOs for Resettling Migrants in U.S. Specifically, more than $380 million worth of Shelter and Services Program (SSP) grants will go to local and state governments, as well as NGOs, “that are providing critical support such as food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation” to migrants “recently released from DHS custody and awaiting their immigration court proceedings.” Last year, alone, DHS provided sanctuary cities and NGOs with more than $780 million in funds via SSP and the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), a program started in the late 1980s meant to help homeless Americans.
July 2024: NYC hotels that converted into migrant shelters set to rake in over $1 billion in taxpayer funds: internal docs
Are They Voting?
Oct ‘24: Virginia Sued by Biden-Harris Administration After Removing Non-Citizens From Voter Rolls and
Sep ‘24: Oregon DMV mistakenly registered over 300 noncitizens to vote; ‘urgent corrective action’ taken, Kotek says
July ‘24: According to the National Partnership for New Americans, immigration could “sway the outcome of national, state, global elections” and
2020: Biden won Arizona by 11,000 votes; meanwhile, more than 62,000 voting age non-citizens have been naturalized
2020: Biden won Georgia by 12,000; meanwhile 86,000 have become voters
2016: Trump won Michigan by less than 11,000; ooer last 4 years, 60,000 people have been naturalized
July ‘24: Justice Department sues to block Arizona’s proof of citizenship voting law
July ‘24: In almost all states, election officials are simply relying on individuals who are registering to vote telling the truth when they assert they are U.S. citizens.
June ‘24: How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US
July ‘24: SAVE act - every democrat voted against election bill requiring voters prove citizenship
June ‘24: National Voter Registration Act “loophole” that “does not require states to ask for proof of citizenship when registering an individual to vote in federal elections,” but rather “relies on individuals to merely attest they are a citizen and eligible to vote.” The report also cited evidence of noncitizens on voter rolls in various states. Biden admin opposes - WHY?!
June 22, 2024 week ending: Arizona had 47,928 attempted registrations with no ID; 11,374 did not have a match in the system; 13 dead total in US that registered to vote in this week that had no match: 35,982 (just one week) Missouri had 23,253 dead people attempting to register - they say it is “voter roll clean up” Texas denied it’s happening and that website is incorrect, etc. what is really going on?
May ‘24: Full Committee Hearing, “American Confidence in Elections: Preventing Noncitizen Voting and Other Foreign Interference.”
May ‘24: Majority of House Democrats support noncitizens voting
May ‘24: 143 Democrats voted against the Republican-led bill blocking illegal immigrants and other foreign nationals from voting in elections And
May ‘24: As many as 2.7 million non-citizens could vote in the 2024 election, leading some to voice concerns about coming election results potentially not reflecting the will of Americans citizens, who are the only ones permitted to vote in federal elections - Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote
Oct ‘23: Immigrant Legal Resource Center: naturalizes immigrants & encourages them to vote, received $7 million, also tries to stop deportations and to “dismantle the infrastructure of criminalization of immigrants”
2019: Even if they aren’t voting (which they are), illegal immigration affects congressional districts, since the census does not ask for citizen status
Blame the Republicans
The “border bill” that republicans refused to pass = work permits and taxpayer funded housing & lawyers & & medical services for illegal immigrants, 5,000 illegals allowed in per day ($1.8 million/year not including gotaways), billions for sanctuary cities & NGOs (corrupt perhaps?): …the $118.28 BILLION package also includes…
$60.06 billion to support Ukraine
$14.1 billion in security assistance for Israel
$2.44 billion to support operations in the U.S. Central Command and address combat expenditures related to conflict in the Red Sea.
$10 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care, and other essential services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, and other populations caught in conflict zones across the globe.
$4.83 billion to support key regional partners in the Indo-Pacific and deter aggression by the Chinese government.
$2.33 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war of aggression and other refugees fleeing persecution.
The bipartisan border policy changes negotiated by Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK).
$20.23 billion to address existing operational needs and expand capabilities at our nation’s borders, resource the new border policies included in the package, and help stop the flow of fentanyl and other narcotics.
The Fentanyl Eradication and Narcotics Deterrence (FEND) Off Fentanyl Act.
$400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help nonprofits and places of worship make security enhancements.
“The White House has begun to spin its disastrous record on the southwest border by falsely claiming Republicans had an “anti-border security record” and “attempt[ed] to cut Customs and Border Protection personnel.” Specifically, they claimed the House voted “to eliminate over 2,000 Border Patrol agents and erode our capacity to seize fentanyl earlier in 2023.” but “In fact, the Republican House-passed FY24 Homeland Security appropriations bill increased border security funding above the President’s Budget Request, including Border Patrol agents at the highest level ever funded, and ICE custody operations at a level more than ever previously appropriated. All but 2 House Democrats voted against that bill, and the President threatened to veto it
Crime: every crime comitted by an illegal alien is one that wouldn’t have occured if that alien wasn’t here in the 1st place
2017: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Illegal Immigration and Criminal Activity
o The first report from 2005 (GAO-05-337R) found that criminal aliens (both legal and illegal) make up 27% of all federal prisoners. (What is the % now?)
October ‘24: Texas woman robbed, pistol-whipped in ritzy Dallas area by illegal Venezuelan migrants with gang ties: report “Venezuelan illegal migrant Wilmer Colmenares Gonzalez, 27, allegedly held police at bay for hours after the robbery squad followed the victim into her garage, pistol-whipped her and forced her into her home in Northwest Dallas, where they made off with the valuables inside the woman’s Gucci handbag on Sept. 21”
September ‘24: ICE released over 435,000 migrants with criminal convictions, data shows and
Sep ‘24: 15,000 illegal migrants convicted of sex assault are roaming US — and a new bill would force ICE to hunt them down and deport them and
Sep ‘24: REPORT: Migrants Make Up Roughly 75% Of Arrests In Midtown Manhattan
Sep ‘24: MS-13 Gang Member Found Living in Texas After Crossing Biden’s Open Border
Sep ‘24: Once-deported migrant arrested after ‘intense manhunt’ following random stabbing of teen girl at baseball game
Sep ‘24: Springfield, Ohio: Immigrants from Haiti have poured into Springfield the last five years, and the estimates grow monthly, with city officials now saying the number could be 15,000 to 20,000 new residents among a population that had numbered just under 60,000 prior. The number of immigrants has strained city government, health care, schools, social services and nonprofits trying to provide assistance.
Sep ‘24: Springfield, Ohio: “I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard.” “Look at me, I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn't defend myself if I had to. My husband is elderly.” “I don't understand what you expect of us as citizens. I understand they're here under temporary protected status and you're protecting them, and I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and understaffed, but who's protecting us?”“Who's protecting me? I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please give me a reason to stay.”
Aug ‘24: Illegal immigrant pleads guilty to sexual abuse of 7-year-old girl in New York State. Carlos Fernando Pinola Pop pleaded guilty in an August 15 court hearing before Judge James Farrell to Sexual Abuse in the First Degree, a Class D violent felony sex offense.
Aug ‘24: NYC migrants — including one charged in sex assault 4 months ago — raped woman at knifepoint, beat her boyfriend: sources
Aug ‘24: Migrant charged with rape in third NYC sex crime bust of an asylum seeker in two weeks
Aug ‘24: Illegal immigrants attempt to stop, board school buses on California freeway
August ‘24: Illegal immigrant arrested on child sex crime and human trafficking charges in Alabama - Enoc Velazquez Bravo, 32, of Mexico, is being held in jail without bond
Aug ‘24: Brutal Venezuelan gang violence spills into quiet suburb from the sanctuary city next door— despite efforts to keep migrants out Members of Tren de Aragua are accused of a slew of violent crimes across the US — including the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley earlier this year, and the shooting of two NYPD cops during an arrest in June. Leaders of the gang recently gave the “green light” for members to shoot American cops who try to interfere with their criminal activity.
Aug ‘24: Illegal Immigrant Accused of Running Over Grandmother Had California Driver License
July ‘24: Illegal Alien Suspect in Irving Chick-fil-A Double Homicide Admitted He Snuck Into US
July ‘24: Mexican migrant accused of grisly serial murders of three women in Dallas, Texas
June ‘24: Video shows 'neighborhood people' take down illegal immigrant accused of raping 13-year-old at knifepoint
June ‘24: Illegal accused of raping NY teen after slipping into San Diego from Turkey
June ‘24: Undocumented migrant accused of shooting 2 NYPD officers had immigration case dismissed by judge last month, ICE says
June ‘24: illegal immigrant raped and killed woman in Maryland, 23 year old from El Salvador with gang ties “entered the U.S. illegally in February last year from El Salvador, where he was wanted for killing a young woman.”
June ‘24: Driver in Colorado crash that killed one was deported 16 times prior to wreck, ICE says
June ‘24: Rachel Morin’s killer, illegal immigrant “a series of crimes spanning thousands of miles…Hernandez is wanted for killing a woman in his native El Salvador in January 2023, then violently attacking a little girl and her mom in a Los Angeles home invasion two months later…he murdered Rachel, mom of 5, on a hiking trail
June ‘24: Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park “a machete-wielding man approached two 13-year-olds, one a boy and one a girl, tied them together by the wrists and raped the girl at a popular park in Queens”
June ‘24: 12 year old in Houston Jocelyn Nungaray murdered by illegal immigrant
June ‘24: 5 illegal migrants charged with kidnapping after missing Indiana girl found in Missouri (from her own home)
June ‘24: Semi Driver Arrested in Deadly Colorado Crash Had Been Deported to Mexico Just 2 Weeks Prior
May ‘24: Fury as illegal immigrants who beat up NYPD officers are all offered plea deal
May ‘24: Migrant kidnapped girl from Louisiana and took her over 1,000 miles away to Virginia
May ‘24: Judge dismisses riot charges against 140 illegal immigrants accused of rushing border in El Paso then released into states with phone and “court dates”
May ‘24: Illegal immigrants staging robberies to play the victim to get visas (Chicago)
March ‘24: Grand Rapids woman killed by man who “returned to the United States illegally after having been deported to Mexico in 2020, federal officials said.” meanwhile Michigan $500 incentive to house illegals AKA “Newcomer Rental Subsidy”
Feb ‘24: Venezuelan “welfare king”/ illegal immigrant encouraging 300,000 followers to come to US to live off of our tax dollars and support teen (illegal immigrant) shooter
Feb ‘24: …times square shooting by illegal immigrant
Feb ‘24: Illegal El Salvadoran migrant accused of killing 2-year-old Maryland boy was released from jail TWICE following repeated theft charges and order to leave the country
Feb ‘24: Lakin Riley college girl murdered on a jog by illegal immigrant
August ‘23: Illegal immigrant serial killer escapes PA prison
Jan ‘23: A 17-year-old boy believed to be a member of the international gang MS-13 is accused of strangling a 20-year-old woman to death in Aberdeen last summer, police said - The suspect is also facing rape, robbery, and other charges
Nov ‘21: A 24-year-old Honduran immigrant who’s charged with murder in the brutal stabbing death of a Florida man had crossed the US border illegally months earlier while posing as an unaccompanied minor.
2017: Kate Steinle shot and killed in back “on accident’ by guy who was deported 5x and found not guilty by San Francisco jury, sanctuary city, jailed and released
Are they working?
May ‘24: according to the Center for Immigration Studies, over half of recent immigrants are unemployed, only 8% are looking for work, # of foreign born people living here grew by 5 million + in past 2 years, largest 2 year increase ever recorded, foreign born/natural born ratio is 16% (all conservative estimates because of getaways), 60% of those are illegal
National Security
We are getting played by 3rd word drug cartels. We are the outlier. WE are the dummies allowing mass immigration into our country - everyone else has borders, enforces them, and we are paying for OTHER countries’ borders and meanwhile Japan lets a few hundred in per year
Sep ‘24: Ex-Border Patrol Chief: Biden-Harris Administration Forbid Agents from Discussing Increasing Terror Threats
June ‘24: 8 Suspected ISIS-Linked Terrorists Arrested In 3 U.S. Cities After Illegally Crossing Border and they were “vetted”, background checked (but they have no record here and many use fake names), used the border app (there is a zone on the southern border where thousands of passports are ditched)
June ‘24: Victor Hugo Chox Gonzalez, 38, identified as the top fugitive on Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants List, has been arrested… “aggravated sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child by sexual contact” and “was removed from the U.S. in 2016”
June ‘24: ….yes there is an entire list and they had to narrow it down to 10, illegal immigrants specifically
June ‘24: With terror threats sky-high and the border wide open, brace for another 9/11
June ‘24: 50 terrorists / ISIS at large in US
March ‘24: Americans warned to brace for SECOND wave of Venezuelan gangsters coming over the border as country's prisons as at least 100 inmates are RELEASED: 'These are killers'
Jan 2024: Fentanyl deaths 100,000+ last year alone now leading cause of death and
June 2024: Mexican cartels offering pricey VIP package for migrants trying to get into US