A power-hungry President who refused to leave office, even when everyone around told him to do so amidst obvious mental decline and instability…finally forced out, then the Party chose the nominee without the voice of the people (didn’t receive a single vote and was in fact dead last in 2020 primary), yet…
“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” -JB https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1354035368211984390
In Biden’s first week alone, he signed 37 executive orders and actions. That’s 33 more than Trump. It’s 32 more than Obama, and 37 more than George W. Bush, who signed 0 in his first week as president. He shut down expansion of the XL Keystone pipeline and the 11,000 full-time and temporary jobs that went with it - during the pandemic. Russia and Venezuela will benefit nicely from a Keystone-less U.S. in filling the energy void, while China will be quite pleased that the U.S. rejoined the Beijing-friendly Paris climate accord, which was among the 37 executive orders and actions signed. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/536317-by-his-own-definition-biden-is-already-governing-like-a-dictator/
$15 billion spent in forgiving student loans, defying the Supreme Court by illegally waiving it (and bragged about it) ..”The Supreme Court struck down Biden's $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan in June, ruling it was an illegal use of the president's powers. But since then, Biden has pushed forward with several smaller rounds of cancellation anyway https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-brags-about-defying-supreme-court-and-relieving-136-million-student-loan-debts/ar-AA1lO4cW He said: “they blocked me but didn’t stop me.”Used apparatchiks at state level to use federal charges, of which they have no jurisdiction, to attempt to jail political opponent often without any real crime (!) who is currently leading him in the swing states in polls. (see Trials)
Biden’s DoJ did not prosecute him even though he was found guilty https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf
Special counsel report concludes Biden willfully retained classified information but will not face charges
One reason Hur chose not to bring charges, according to the report, was because it would be difficult to prosecute Biden, who could appear to a jury as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
Attempted vaccine mandates for 80 million Americans or lose their job via OHSA (and discharged thousands of military members for not taking it) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735Used executive order to prevent audio of that special report going public https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/biden-asserts-executive-privilege-robert-hurs-classified-documents-pro-rcna152550
Censorship - threatened social-media companies with retribution, including antitrust lawsuits, if they don’t censor speech that the government didn’t like. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in September ruled that Biden officials had violated the First Amendment by colluding with tech platforms to squelch politically disfavored speech about Covid and elections. https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/23/23-30445-CV0.pdfHis son almost got away with a sweetheart deal if the judge hadn’t caught it…his lawyers aimed for “immunity in perpetuity” https://headtopics.com/us/report-plea-deal-would-have-given-hunter-biden-immunity-in-perpetuity-41609672
Trump as Dictator Is a Classic Case of Projection https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-as-dictator-is-a-classic-case-of-projection/ar-AA1lih9V cites examples above +
“With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Biden tried to cancel half a trillion dollars in student debt, ban evictions and mandate Covid vaccines—each of which the Supreme Court blocked because Congress never gave the president the authority to do so. Even after losing at the high court, his administration has used other regulatory means to write off about $770 billion in student debt.
Mr. Biden has abused his authority under the 1906 Antiquities Act to wall off nearly 1.5 million acres of land from fossil-fuel development. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/archeology/antiquities-act.htm
He’s reconstructed the Clean Air Act to shut down coal and gas power plants and ban gasoline-powered cars. And he has ignored Congress’s command to lease federal land for oil and gas drilling and dallied on holding auctions even after being ordered by a federal court to do so. OVERSIGHT HEARING ON EXAMINING THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION'S MISMANAGEMENT OF THE FEDERAL ONSHORE OIL AND GAS PROGRAM https://www.congress.gov/event/118th-congress/house-event/116322/text
His administration has failed to enforce the nation’s immigration laws, paroling millions of migrants into the U.S. rather than detaining them at the border or holding them in Mexico while they await hearings. (see Chapter 1)
A Justice Department special counsel has filed trumped-up charges against Mr. Trump for allegedly defrauding the U.S. Progressive prosecutors in Georgia and New York have piled on. New York Attorney General Letitia James even campaigned for office in 2018 on a pledge to nail the sitting president.On immigration reform, Obama said, “But that's not how -- that's not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written.” then Biden does it on steroids https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/06/15/155106744/with-dream-order-obama-did-what-presidents-do-act-without-congress and https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/11/18/constitutional-limits-of-presidential-action-on-immigration-12/obamas-own-words-refute-his-stand-on-immigration-authority
Continuously (verbally and publicly) attacks Supreme Court (immunity, Roe, etc.) the Supreme Law of Land
Taxes/army of 87,000 IRS armed IRS agents (part of Inflation Reduction Act, which actually caused 40 year high inflation) https://budget.house.gov/press-release/cbo-confirms-inflation-act-unleashes-irs-audits-and-enforcement-on-families-making-less-than-400000/
Suing Texas for trying to enforce its own borders (see Chapter 1) https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txwd.1172749163/gov.uscourts.txwd.1172749163.1.0.pdf
Executive action allowing men into women’s bathrooms https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-preventing-and-combating-discrimination-on-basis-of-gender-identity-or-sexual-orientation/ & federal foster care funds for chest binders & fake penises https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/cb/LGBTQIA2S%2B%20Resource%20to%20Support%20Youth%20and%20Families.pdf and https://sogiecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Federal-Funding-for-Gender-Affirming-Materials-Tool.pdf
Used government agencies to repeatedly threaten social media companies, specifically Hunter laptop story…which turned out to be true https://twitterfiles.substack.com/p/1-thread-the-twitter-files (see chapter on lies/hoaxes)
Falsely claims in front of black audiences that if he loses, it will be because Republicans suppress the vote, which is a blatant, outright lie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9z68GwIVys (see chapter on lies/hoaxes)
Climate change agenda by force, Green New Deal, electric vehicle mandates, billions $ taxes
Withheld foreign aid from Israel when congress had already allocated it (when Trump did it he was impeached) Biden Withholding Aid From Israel Sure Looks Impeachable https://www.newsweek.com/biden-withholding-aid-israel-sure-looks-impeachable-opinion-1898978
Trump was already president and was not a dictator. He left office. He also left abortion to states, COVID response to states, deregulated businesses, cut taxes, did NOT “lock her up”, or seek vengeance (via prosecution or otherwise) on political opponents, didn’t build the wall (but he tried, and couldn’t get it done, and a dictator would have done it without proper authority) and didn’t cancel sanctuary cities
Trump is Hitler?! He has a Jewish daughter, Jewish grandchildren, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and pledged support to Israel. Again, he WAS the president and as far as I can recall did not murder 6 million Jews (Yet radical democrats support Hamas who actually murder Jews and want to eradicate the Jewish state)
Project 2025: Trump Disassociates Himself From 'Extreme' Project 2025 At Michigan Rally: 'I Don't Know What The Hell It Is' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-disassociates-himself-from-extreme-project-2025-at-michigan-rally-i-don-t-know-what-the-hell-it-is/ar-BB1qnmWt
“Some on the right, severe right, came up with this Project 25 and I don't even know. I mean, some of them I know who they are, but they're very very conservative. Just like you have this sort of the opposite of the radical left. Okay? You have the radical left and you have the radical right, and they come up with this,” Trump said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xfd27o5dzk
He also said, “I don't know what the hell it is. It's Project 25. He's involved in Project 25. And then they read some of the things that they are extreme, that seriously extreme. But I don't know anything about it. I don't want to know anything about it.”
“dictator on day 1” …see lies but also copied/pasted here: “Dictator on Day 1” https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/24/trump-dictator-day-one/
TRUMP: I love what I do because we are going to have … we are going to make our country greater than ever before. And … (crowd applauding) … that is so important. It's so important. We are going to do things. We're gonna close the border, Day One. The border gets closed. … (crowd applauding) … And Day One and a Half, we drill. You know we drill, baby, drill. Drill. Drill. Drill. … (crowd applauding louder) … And probably on Day Two we'll get rid of this ridiculous electric car mandate … (crowd continuing to applaud)
HANNITY: We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue though, because the media has been focused on this and [are] attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody TRUMP: Except for Day One. HANNITY: Except for …
TRUMP: (smiling and pointing at Hannity) Look, he's going crazy. Except for Day One.
HANNITY: Meaning? TRUMP: I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.
HANNITY: That's not … that's … that's not … that's not "retribution."
TRUMP: No no. I'm gonna be … I'm gonna be, you know he keeps, we love this guy.
HANNITY: (laughing) TRUMP: He says, "You're not gonna be a dictator, are you?" I said no, no, no … other than Day One. We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator, OK? https://rumble.com/v3zv5nd-president-trump-town-hall-with-hannity-december-5th-2023-maga.html
Trump's remarks, when viewed in their full context, came as he pointed and smiled at Hannity and clarified that his usage of the term "dictator" — which came from Hannity's own reading of reporting and remarks made in the news media — referred to two items: Trump's policies regarding the U.S.-Mexico border and the drilling of oil. "After that, I'm not a dictator, OK?," Trump said, laughing and then agreeing verbally just seconds later when Hannity said Trump was only referencing his own policy proposal