
It was (and still is) completely exhausting to keep track.

Controlling the narrative, 1984 style

“The border is secure” …..see “safety

Covid - “winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated” and vaccine is “100% safe and effective” …read The Real Anthony Fauci 

“Summer of Love”

The Media & Trump

“Voter Suppression in Georgia”

Jussie Smollet (finally someone is actually called out)

“Kids in cages”

Hunter’s Laptop  “Russian collusion”

Brett Kavanaugh

“Ivermectin is for horses”

“Banning books” (meaning certain books with sexual/inappropriate content aren’t allowed in public school libraries whereas they are absolutely still available online and in book stores) ….when media refers to DeSantis specifically and his evil book bans…

  • HB 1467 “Book Ban Bill” which requires school districts to be transparent in the selection of instructional materials, including library and reading materials The law requires that:

  • School districts hold public meetings of committees to select or eliminate books;

  • Staff members who are involved in selecting books participate in state training;

  • Elementary schools publish online lists of all instructional materials available to students;

  • School districts have procedures that allow parents to see all books in the school library, all required classroom book lists, and any instructional materials a teacher intends to use.

  • School districts report to the state annually, beginning June 30, the name of every book the district received an objection about as well as every book that was removed in response to that objection.

Border patrol whipping migrants 

THEME: no, it’s not happening and you are a conspiracy theorist. ok it’s happening, but only a little bit and not as bad as you think and only in rare occasions. ok, it’s happening, but it’s not that bad. ok, it’s happening, but so what? ok, it’s happening, and it’s actually a great thing

  • the open border (“the border is secure”, ok it’s a little out of control, ok it’s bad and it’s all the Republicans fault”)

  • CRT in schools

  • child sex trafficking/Hollywood child sex club/Jeffrey Epstein/P Diddy

  • groomers going after children

  • Joe Biden is senile and totally mentally incompetent (and after debate performance media had to act shocked that Joe was that bad, even though literally a few weeks ago they were calling right wingers pointing it out “cheap fakes” of Joe wandering off)

  • covid vaccines 100% safe and effective (ok not 100% but in the 90s…ok 80s…ok 70s…ok just the one brand…ok get your boosters) and prevents you from getting covid (ok it doesn’t but it prevents “severe injury and death”)

“Don’t Say Gay” Bill AKA Parental Rights in Education 

  • Usage of word “gay”: 0……..Usage of word “parent”: 39

  • An act relating to parental rights in education; 3 amending s. 1001.42, F.S.; requiring district school 4 boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain 5 provisions of law for notifying a student's parent of 6 specified information; requiring such procedures to 7 reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make 8 decisions regarding the upbringing and control of 9 their children in a specified manner; prohibiting the 10 procedures from prohibiting a parent from accessing 11 certain records; providing construction; prohibiting a 12 school district from adopting procedures or student 13 support forms that prohibit school district personnel 14 from notifying a parent about specified information or 15 that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a 16 student to withhold from a parent such information; 17 prohibiting school district personnel from 18 discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and 19 involvement in critical decisions affecting a 20 student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; 21 providing construction; prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels or in a specified manner; 24 requiring certain training developed or provided by a 25 school district to adhere to standards established by ENROLLED CS/CS/HB 1557, 26 the Department of Education; requiring school 27 districts to notify parents of healthcare services and 28 provide parents the opportunity to consent or decline 29 such services; providing that a specified parental 30 consent does not wave certain parental rights; 31 requiring school districts to provide parents with 32 certain questionnaires or health screening forms and 33 obtain parental permission before administering such 34 questionnaires and forms; requiring school districts 35 to adopt certain procedures for resolving specified 36 parental concerns; requiring resolution within a 37 specified timeframe….

“Elections are secure”  (also see Are They Voting? section of Immigration)

“Inflation is transitory”

“Hands up don’t shoot/Michael Brown/Ferguson”

Kamala: “Donald Trump will ban abortion nationwide”

Kamala Harris: “Florida teaches kids that black people benefited from slavery!”

  • Harris said: "Just yesterday in the state of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery….how is it that anyone could suggest that amidst these atrocities [of slavery], there was any benefit to being subjected to this level of dehumanization?"

  • Florida’s State Academic Standards – Social Studies, 2023 (NOT written by Ron DeSantis, but written by black people, one of whom’s response to Kamala was “"[The vice-president's comments] are categorically false. It never said slavery was beneficial to Africans. What was said, and anyone who reads this will see with clarity, it is the case that Africans proved resourceful, resilient, and adaptive and were able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit both while enslaved and after enslavement." ——>

  • THE ACTUAL EDUCATIONAL STANDARD: “Describe the emergence, growth, destruction and rebuilding of black communities during Reconstruction and beyond.” “Examine the various duties and trades performed by slaves, e.g. agricultural work, painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic services, blacksmithing and transportation. Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit.” (this speaks to black resilience)

  • Among many, many other things, it includes sections on “the conditions for Africans during their passage to America”; “the living conditions of slaves in British North American colonies, the Caribbean, Central America and South America, including infant mortality rates”; “the harsh conditions and their consequences on British American plantations (e.g., undernourishment, climate conditions, infant and child mortality rates of the enslaved vs. the free)”; “the harsh conditions in the Caribbean plantations (i.e., poor nutrition, rigorous labor, disease)”; “how the South tried to prevent slaves from escaping and their efforts to end the Underground Railroad”; the “overwhelming death rates” caused by the practice; the many ways in which “Africans resisted slavery”; “the ramifications of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on individual freedoms”; and “the struggles faced by African American women in the 19th century as it relates to issues of suffrage, business and access to education.” Many of these modules apply to Florida specifically.

“DeSantis says that slavery shouldn’t be taught in schools.” NBC asking Kamala Harris: “"Let me ask you, what does Governor Ron Desantis not know about black history and the black experience when he says that slavery and the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren?"

  • THE ACTUAL EDUCATIONAL STANDARD: Instructional personnel may facilitate discussions and use curricula to address, in an age-appropriate manner, how the individual freedoms of persons have been infringed by slavery, racial oppression, racial segregation, and racial discrimination, as well as topics relating to the enactment and enforcement of laws resulting in racial oppression, racial segregation, and racial discrimination and how recognition of these freedoms has overturned these unjust laws.

  • Students shall develop an understanding of the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on individual freedoms, and examine what it means to be a responsible and respectful person, for the purpose of encouraging tolerance of diversity in a pluralistic society and for nurturing and protecting democratic values and institutions.

  • The following is in the required instruction statute, s. 1003.42(2)(h), F.S: The history of African Americans, including: the history of African peoples before the political conflicts that led to the development of slavery; the passage to America; the enslavement experience; abolition; and the history and contributions of Americans of the African diaspora to society.

“Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'  said 37 times “if you like your dr, you can keep your dr”

“Despite the Biden-Harris administration’s constant bragging about lowering Medicare drug costs, the average premium for a Medicare drug plan has jumped 46% since 2021 as the number of private drug plans fell by 31%, according to an extensive report by Edmund Haislmaier, a senior research fellow in the Center for Health and Welfare Policy.” 

  • Between 2013 and 2022, Obamacare’s mandates and regulations more than doubled the average cost of individual market health insurance coverage in 40 states.

  • Medicaid historically has covered poor children, seniors, and the disabled; Obamacare added 19.8 million work-capable adults to the program between 2013 and 2022.

  • Under the Biden Administration, seniors now have a choice of 31 percent fewer Medicare prescription drug plans, and the average premium has increased 46 percent. 

  • Meanwhile, Obamacare’s mandates and regulations more than doubled the average cost of individual-market health insurance coverage in 40 states, Haislmaier found. 

THE MOST SCANDALOUS SCANDAL OF THIS ADMINISTRATION “Joe Biden is fine” “this version of Biden is the best Biden ever” says the media in 2024  


“Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar” (see Immigration)